Under the light of a full October moon, a record number of attendees explored hands-on career opportunities at the second annual Career & Technical Education (CTE) Showcase. The October 17th event held on the campus of the Southern Virginia Higher Education Center (SVHEC) provides students, parents, and community members with an opportunity to explore all of the career focused educational opportunities offered by Halifax County High School, SVHEC, and SVHEC partners, Danville Community College and Southside Virginia Community College.
The CTE Showcase began with a kick-off session in the Prizery’s Chastain Theatre. SVHEC executive director Dr. Betty Adams provided a welcome and initial remarks stating, “The reality is over the next 10 years technical careers are going to lead the job market. These are careers that don’t require a four-year degree, but they do require some additional CTE training.”
According to Adams, today’s CTE programs are more technically and academically advanced than the vocational training of years ago, but not enough people in our community know about CTE career opportunities. “That means that our folks are missing out on well-paying careers right here in our community.”
To underscore the evening’s theme that CTE is for everyone, CTE instructors and students were invited to stand on-stage. Within seconds the stage was filled with a diverse group of students representing 24 career tracks ranging from automotive, agriculture, and culinary arts to robotics, healthcare, and welding.

“This is what CTE looks like,” said Halifax County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Amy Huskin, beaming with pride. Dr. Huskin shared that a key question for HCPS is how to make real change in getting students ready for life after high school. Part of answering that question is Melanie Hastings, HCPS’ new director of CTE, counseling, and innovation. Hastings brings a strong background in instruction, passion for education, and an ability to connect with students. “She’s fluent in teenager and that’s critical,” said Huskin.
Dr. Huskin shared that exposing students to the CTE opportunities available is essential, and that early exposure in elementary and middle school is essential so that career pathways make sense later.
“With all these programs that we have, how do we expose kids to what they want to do, what they think they want to do, and what they know they absolutely do not want to do. We’ve got to have a mindset shift before we can move into our new building,” said Huskin.
Hastings shared a new decision guide that has been developed for. The one-page document highlights several key decision points from elementary to high school and provides parents with information so they can better assist their children with making decisions at key moments.
One of the highlights of the kick-off session came when Dr. Huskin showed a virtual tour video of the new Halifax County High School. “You all are the first ones seeing this,” she said.
While many details are still being finalized, the video provided attendees with a first-look at the interior of the new high school with open, well-lit, flexible classroom and lab spaces.
Following the kick-off session, CTE Showcase attendees explored the SVHEC campus, seeing lab spaces, speaking with program instructors and students, and engaging in hands-on activities.
The first 100 CTE Showcase attendees received vouchers to the event food trucks, one of which was Pittard’s Pit Stop, owned and operated by CTE graduate John Pittard.
He credits his high school culinary arts classes with providing him with the foundation needed to establish his career and business. In a video played before the kick-off session Pittard stated, “I really learned the basics and everything working with the school through the culinary arts program. If you want to go into a CTE program it’s a really good option because you don’t have to worry about the debt of a four-year school.”
To stay updated on CTE education in Halifax County, and future CTE focused events, like and follow the CTE-Halifax Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ctehalifax.