Christian McKay

Christian McKay completed the HVAC@SVHEC program in 2023, and placed his life and career on an upward trajectory. “Without a doubt the best part of my experience with SVHEC has been the group of students and instructors I have been surrounded with in the program. We have all had the common experience of long days and making hard sacrifices that has brought a bond and friendship between us. All of us have at some point stepped up to lead or teach each other. It’s a remarkable thing to see a group of individuals work toward a common goal.“
“The sense of pride and accomplishment I have felt after completing the HVAC@SVHEC program has been life changing. I have recently been hired by Roger’s Heating and Cooling, and as a company they are eager to continue and advance my education in the field. Without a doubt, I wouldn’t be on such an upward trajectory if I had not enrolled in the HVAC program.”