The Southern Virginia Higher Education Center (SVHEC) has launched a new club for students and staff supporters called Campus Connect@SVHEC. The club provides members with opportunities to connect with each other and give back to the community through monthly service projects.
Campus Connect members have already completed several community service projects including competing in “Factory Street Feud” to raise money for the TJM Community Center, selling T-shirts during Breast Cancer Awareness Month to raise money for the Halifax County Cancer Society, and partnering with the South Boston Police Department to collect toys and clothing for the annual Santa Cops Toy Drive.
The club wrapped up a busy semester with Christmas Caroling at Berry Hill Health & Rehab Center. Club members and friends sang Christmas songs and gave residents a pair of fuzzy socks to brighten their day and spread holiday cheer.
“Campus Connect@SVHEC was initiated to allow students to focus on community service projects and be more involved with and raise awareness of the importance of taking care of and helping others. So far, the students involved have been very excited and support the cause. We would love to have others join,” said Virginia Barksdale, manager of the SVHEC Office of Learner Success & Engagement.
Everyone attending classes at SVHEC is invited to join Campus Connect to make a difference in our community. For more information, email , call 434-572-5568, or speak with an SVHEC staff member in the Office of Learner Success & Engagement (OLSE).