The Southern Virginia Higher Education Center will hold its 2024 Workforce Training Completion Ceremony on May 23rd at 6:00pm at The Prizery. The community is invited to attend this special event celebrating individuals who have successfully completed hands-on training in Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning (HVAC), Information Technology (IT), and Welding.
For months, program completers have juggled work and family obligations to attend classes in the evenings to gain the skills needed for a new career or to upgrade their skills to give their career a boost. The Workforce Training Completion Ceremony celebrates this hard work and perseverance, and is a proud SVHEC tradition.
SVHEC Executive Director Dr. Betty Adams will deliver the keynote address. Adams recently announced plans for her retirement, and will speak to program completers in what is likely to be her last completion ceremony as agency director.
To attend the ceremony, RSVP using the button below or call 434-572-5566.